All the members can share their views and suggestions for the betterment of the functioning of the association and conduction of the conferences. You can submit your message in the "comments"section below this post - you have to write your name and address with designation along with your comment. The comments will be published after verification. Comments with personal grievances , allegations or derogative remarks or harsh words will be excluded as a rule. Any personal grievances shall be addressed to the secretary through email/phone but not here, as this is a general forum to reflect the varied ideas.
Dr. K.R.L.Suryakirani
Ex-Officio President of IAMM TAPC Chapter
Professor and Head
Department of Microbiology
Rangaraya Medical COllege, Kakinada.
As a senior member,ex-treasurer,ex vicepresident and ex president of the association,I have a few suggestions for the organising secretaries of the future conferences.
I had been attending conferences of IAPM AND IAMM State chapters.There are always some discrepancies arising in one way or other in the prize paper sessions. In this connection I take the liberty to give a few guidelines for smooth conduction of prize paper sessions.
1. Three judges to be contacted prior to the conference for each of 4 prize sessions namely Dr.C.S. bhaskaran,B S Lakshmi,BK Rao and RMC prizes.Two judges for each of the free paper sessions.if sufficient number of judges are not awailable they can be repeated.Momentos can be given only once in the valedictory.
judges should confirm their acceptance and stick to the time allotted.
- (Editor's Note : The proposal of three judges for prize paper sessions, is already raised in the general body meeting by Dr. Nagamani, HOD of Gandhi Medical College, and it has been accepted by the general body.)
2.the judges should not be from the same institution as that of participants ,to avoid the impression of biased judgement.
3.the judges should be given the copy of the guidelines given by sponsorers along with the marks sheet.They should give their individual marks,compare at the end of the session.they should total the marks,take an average and decide.the judges have to write the name of the winner duly signed by all three of them.
it is better to announce the name by the judges at end of the session itself.though the prize is given in valedictory.this will avoid all embarrassment to the judges and organisers later on.
4.The objections regarding judges by the participants/audience/judges themselves should be sorted out before the start of the session and avoid discussions at a later date.
5.The participants should take the judgement as final and accept with grace and sportive spirit ,without bakdoor comments to avoid embarrassment for the winners.
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