Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Birth Anniversary of Theodar Escherich
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Raymond Sabouraud
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Please see the website for important instructions regarding the prizes and the regulations for presenting papers for various prizes (Click here to visit website)
For registration : Please send your DDs favouring, 'Microconap2012' payable at Kurnool.
The last date for submission of Abstracts/Papers is extended up to : 15th November, 2011
The various prizes that will be given are :
- DR. RAJAYALAKSHMI MEMORIAL AWARD (Previously Dr. Rajyalakshmi Oration) : given to the orator suggested/invited by the Organizing Secretary in the form of silver medal.
- Smt B.S.Laxmi Memorial Prize for Postgraduates
- Sri B.Krishna Rao Memorial Prize for Junior faculty
- The Rangaraya Medical College Senior Faculty Award
- DR. SATYANARAYANA MEMORIAL PRIZE : for PG quiz : two prizes (1st and 2nd) (Sponsored by Dr. Rajarajeswari )
- GOLD MEDAL TO PG (MD student) secured highest marks in NTR UHS Examinations (sponsored by DR.M.V. Ramanamma)
- PRIZE OF PG PEDAGOGY : Introduced from this year . Sponsored by the Department of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. Two prizes will be awarded. The money for the prizes will be generated from the interest accumulated from Rs. 50,000-00 donated by the Dept of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. Only final year PGs are eligible to participate. Please send your names to the Organising Secretary. The topics are also announced.
1) Recent advances in the diagnosis of Tuberculosis.
2) Drug resistance in Tuberculosis
3) Malarial vaccines
4) Role of ESBL producers in hospital infections
5) Vector borne viral diseases in India
The guidelines are available on the website in a downloadable and printable format.
Click here to visit the website.
Also on the website, you will find the list of previous annual state conferences.
The directory of IAMM AP Chapter has been updated.
Please check the annual PG Memberships. Several memberships are expired and indicated in Red colour in the Directory. If any of them want to present papers in the State conference, they should take fresh membership or more conveniently, life membership if they finished MD. The details of the membership and membership form are available on the website. For further details, please contact the treasurer of IAMM AP Chapter, Dr. K.Prasanthi, Asst. Professor of Microbiology, Gandhi Medical College.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Nobel Prizes in Medicine and Physiology 2011

Please read the press release and other details :
Related :
Nobel laureate scientist dies days before award
Cancer kills Nobel physician before he hears of prize
Friday, September 23, 2011
NEWS : Sept 2011 : CME Programme at Global Hospitals
Two day CME programme on Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control
Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control form an integral part of a laboratory and health care setting respectively. This two day educational CME programme focuses on aspects of Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control slanted towards accreditation processes and it will help many laboratories structure their preparation for an accreditation process in Microbiology or an infection control programme for a hospital accreditation. It will also help laboratories and hospitals who are already accredited to further strengthen their departments of Microbiology and Infection control as they seek surveillance visits and re- accreditation from national and international agencies.
A serious attempt has been made to choose faculty from amongst those who have been a part of the accreditation process, or those who are assessors for national bodies of accreditation. This will hopefully give a first hand information on the requirements in clinical microbiology and infection control for an accreditation process.
The programme is open to all those who are interested, however medical microbiologists, senior supervisors of laboratories, senior laboratory medical technologists, all those associated with infection control activities HIC Infection control nurses, hospital administrators and other infection control practitioners will benefit from this two day course. Registrations for either of the two days or both days. The course fees are as follows:
A. Quality assurance in Microbiology 15th October : Rs 1000/- per delegate
b. Infection control and accreditation 16th October : Rs 1000/- per delegate
The payment may be made in the form of cash or a demand draft in the name of “ Clinical Microbiology course” payable at Hyderabad . Please send all demand drafts to the following address:
Dr. Ranganathan N Iyer
Consultant Clinical Microbiologist
Global Hospital, Lakdi- ka- pul
Hyderabad- 500004
The course fees will cover two coffees/ teas , lunches on the day/ s along with the documentation for the particular session paid for. It does not cover travel and / or accommodation. All delegates are advised to make their own arrangements for their travel and stay in Hyderabad.

Dr. Ranganathan N Iyer MD FRCPath ( UK) DNB DPB MAMS
Consultant Clinical Microbiologist
Tel no ( work): 040 -30244505 Mob: 09849690680 E mail: ranganathaniyer@yahoo.com
Sunday, July 24, 2011
News : Blood Tests to diagnose tuberculosis can be dangerous : WHO
A 12-month analysis reveals that currently available commercial blood tests for diagnosing active TB often lead to misdiagnosis, mistreatment and potential harm to public health. WHO is urging countries to ban these tests and instead rely on accurate microbiological or molecular tests.
Click here to read full details from the WHO Site
Monday, June 20, 2011
OBITUARY : Smt .Dr.M.Saroja Venugopal
She was born in Kodaikanal on 12-5-1941. She did her MBBS from Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam in 1963 and MD (Microbiology) in 1969 from Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam under the guidance of Dr. C.S.Bhaskaran. She held various positions as faculty of Microbiology.
1963-69 : Tutor in Microbiology, AMC
1969-82 : Asst. Professor of Microbiology, AMC
1978-81 : Training in USA in Microbiology
1982-87 : Professor of Microbiology, RMC, Kakinada
1987-97 : Professor and Head, AMC
1998 : Principal of GMC, Guntur
Retired from Govt Service : in 1998
1998-2005 : Professor and Head, Narayana Medical College, Nellore
2005 - Consultant Microbiologist, DDS Labs, Visakhapatnam
She guided about 20 postgraduates, presented several papers at IAMM Conferences and published several papers in reputed national and international journals.
Her absence is a great loss for the association. The executive body of IAMM AP Chapter and the members express their deepsest sympathies to the bereaved family members of Dr.Saroja Venugopal.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
News of IAMM AP CHAPTER : MAY 2011
The following points were discussed in the meeting :
1. Registration of IAMM AP Chapter in the coming months: As a registered body, the IAMM AP Chapter will have advantages like :
a. Negotiations with the government regarding the grievances of the medical microbiologists.
b. Raising the funds for the association : The issue will be followed up so that the donors shall be eligible for income tax exemption.
2. Designation of the Department as : Department of Clinical Microbiology : the issue will be represented to the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
3. Hospital infectious committee should be formed in every teaching hospital and Microbiology HOD should be the chairmen of the committee. The initiative is to be taken by all HOD s in the state.
4. Postgraduate Memberships : All the MD Postgraduates in Microbiology should be enrolled as Postgraduate Members of IAMM AP state chapter by paying Rs. 500 (For 3 years). All the HODs of Microbiology are requested to motivate the PGs in this regard. The details and the membership form can be downloaded from the website.
5. Risk Allowance : The executive body will correspond with the Govt. of AP regarding the risk allowance for the microbiologists.
6. XV Annual State Conference of IAMM AP Chapter : Next conference of IAMM AP chapter will be held at Kurnool Medical college under leadership of Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao, Professor and Head of the Department of Microbiology, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool. The dates are : 6th , 7th and 8th January 2012.
7. NEW prize for Postgraduates : A new prize for the PGs was proposed by the President IAMM AP Chapter. The prize amount will be derived from the annual interest generated from Rs . 50,000/- donated by the Department of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College. Two prizes will be given, as cash award. The detailed guidelines will be published on website and notified soon and will be informed (The details of the prizes and guidelines for the prizes can be accessed from the website).
We request all our members to read the above resolutions carefully and send their valuable suggestions to the secretary IAMM AP chapter by post preferably
(Mailing address :
Dr. O.Satyanarayana,
Department of Microbiology,
GGH Campus, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada).
You may also send your comments to : iammapchapter@yahoo.co.in
Thursday, April 7, 2011
World Health Day: 7th April 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
News : March 2011 (First)
(News: February 2011).
The suggestions we received so far (till 10th March, 2011) :
1. Department of Clinical Microbiology
2. Department of Infectious Medicine
3. Department of Infectious Diseases
Please give your feedback.
The meeting of the executive body is planned on : 9th April, 2011
The Next (XV) Annual State Conferene (2012):
Dr. K.Sreenivasa Rao, Professor and Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool came forward with a proposal to conduct the next conference. Final decision of the executive body is pending.
The Executive body of IAMM AP Chapter and all the members express deepest sympathies to the bereaved family members of Dr. Rajyalakshmi.
She is one of the founder member of IAMM AP Chapter. Her absence is an irreparable loss to the association.
The inspiration showered by her will always be there in the hearts and memories of the microbiologists of our state.
We express our heartfelt condolences to her family.
Please read News Clipping
The Hindu
Andhra Jyothi (Telugu)
Friday, February 18, 2011
The New Executive Body of IAMM AP Chapter : CLICK HERE
- President : Dr. G.Krishna Murty
- Vice President : Dr. K.Vishnu Vardhan Rao
Please click here for complete details of the executive body.
There will be meeting of all the executive members is planned to be held at the Chambers of the President Dr. G.Krishna Murty, Professor and Head, Dep. Of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. The initially proposed date (March second saturday) is postponed as we are expecting more response and active feed back from the members regarding the following points that are planned to be discussed.
The things planned to be discussed are :
1. Registration of the Association
2. The PG Memberships :
- The existing rate of the PG 3-year membership is Rs. 500-00. But, several PGs are taking only the annual membership, before presenting papers in the state conference. It is desirable to make the PG-3 year membership compulsary for all the PGs joined from this academic year and heads of the department fo microbiology in various colleges have to take the responsibility of collecting the amount from the newly joined pgs and sending the same to the treasurer . The annual membership may be totally avoided for PGs and can be limited to those who finished MD and not yet taken life membership or the MSc postgraduates who did not get the eligibility for life membership as per the National guidelines.
3. The Name of the Department :
- The Name of the department may be changed to “The Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” , with more momentum towards the clinical microbiology. Once we get opinions and feedback from the members, the proposals will be presented to the govt authorities and national body.
Please mail your valuable suggestions and opinions as soon as possible, preferably by the end of March First week, so that it helps a lot in organizing the ideas.
Added on 10th March 2011 :
The suggestions we received so far (till 10th March, 2011) regarding the name of the dept :
1. Department of Clinical Microbiology
2. Department of Infectious Medicine
3. Department of Infectious Diseases
Please give your feedback.
Update : 10th March 2011
The meeting of the executive body is planned on : 9th April, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
IAMMAPCON January 2011: Web album : Slide show
The XIV Annual Conference of IAMM AP Chapter was held at Guntur Medical College, Guntur on 7th, 8th and 9th of January 2011. Please watch the slide show. click on the photos for larger view.