9th FRCPath
Part- I Course ( Medical Microbiology)
9th to 11th January 2018
Department of
Microbiology Global Hospital, Hyderabad
This course is
specifically held for those who wish to sit the FRCPath ( Medical Microbiology
and Virology) PART- I examinations
conducted by the Royal College of Pathologists UK
The course will
cover a wide range of topics in Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases,
Infection control and prevention, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology and Tropical
Medicine that form a major component of this examination adhering to a MCQ & EMQ format as designed for the
Part- I examinations with mock exam papers at the end of the course. It is
preferable for a candidate to have at least 2 years work experience after their
postgraduation to sit this examination.
For details
contact :
Dr. Ranganathan N Iyer
Clinical Microbiologist
Hospital , Hyderabad
E mail: ranganathaniyer@yahoo.com