Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Message from : Dr. Anju Kagal, Treasurer, IAMM


Dear Members, 
As we are preparing a new directory of life members of IAMM , It would be nice if you had  a chance to update your particulars . I am going to forward an attachment which I have attempted to put in alphabetic order. Please go through the Excel sheet and help with the following:

1. If you want anything changed please send me a separate mail, with the following details 
 a.) Membership number 
b.) Current name (surname first DO NOT mention designation here) 
 c) Residential  address (this address should be where you want your journal sent Please mention the  PIN code or the journal will not be delivered. ) 
c)  Your current designation  and detailed address of your office. 
d) Email address 
e ) Mobile number 
f.) Changes you want (name spelling, address etc) in the details. (these MUST NOT be done on the excel sheet) but sent by email .Please highlight the changes in color.
Many members' email addresses and mobile numbers do not exist in the current list, so even if you do not want to make any changes in b) c) and d)  please mention those with your Life membership number 
Please also contact your colleagues in your departments, whose email addresses may not be in this email and share the excel sheet with them, so they can get back to me.

If any of you know the founder and initial members details please also let me know how I can contact them ,email/phone numbers because in many cases the details are incomplete.If you can, please  help them to update their details .

  Over the years many members maybe deceased, so if you do know of any of them (even though you may not know their membership numbers) please inform the treasurers Office . 
Anju Kagal
Treasurer, IAMM
Dept of Microbiology,
B.J.Medical College
Pune 411001

Email ID of Dr. Anju Kagal :

Download the excel file of the old national directory here : click here