Sunday, January 18, 2015

Announcement of General Body Meeting of IAMM AP Chapter

Announcement of IAMM AP chapter to all the members of association

There will be a general body meeting organised during the 18th IAMM AP chapter annual conference( 6th-8th feb, 2015) at Mamatha Medical College , Khammam, on 07.02.2015 at 4.30Pm at conference hall. All the members are herewith requested to participate and make it a success.

Agenda :
1.     Issues related with the bifurcation of the state
2.     Relieving the present executive body due to completion of 3 years
3.     Electing a new executive body
4.     Submission of the financial report by treasurer

Dr.K.Saileela                             Dr.K.Prasanthi
President, IAMM AP chapter       Secretary, IAMM AP chapter