Dear Secretaries and Presidents of IAMM State Chapters,
As per the directions of IAMM President 2013, here with i request you to attend a meeting at Hyderabad during the IAMM conference to discuss the following agenda.
1. Updating the addresses and emails of the members.
2. reporting of IAMM activities.
3. Financial assistance.
4. any other matter with permission from chair.
timing 3.30 pm on 22nd Nov 2013.Venue; HICC Hotel Novotel Hyderabad IAMM 2013 conference.Please contact me at venue.
Kindly confirm your participation by mail.
Dr Mahantesh B Nagamoti. MD (Micro), Ph.D (Med Micro)
Secretary. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) &
Prof & Head Microbiology JN Medical College
KLE University. Belgaum- 590010.
cell no 09448141342.