Two day CME programme on Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control
Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control form an integral part of a laboratory and health care setting respectively. This two day educational CME programme focuses on aspects of Quality assurance in Microbiology and Infection control slanted towards accreditation processes and it will help many laboratories structure their preparation for an accreditation process in Microbiology or an infection control programme for a hospital accreditation. It will also help laboratories and hospitals who are already accredited to further strengthen their departments of Microbiology and Infection control as they seek surveillance visits and re- accreditation from national and international agencies.
A serious attempt has been made to choose faculty from amongst those who have been a part of the accreditation process, or those who are assessors for national bodies of accreditation. This will hopefully give a first hand information on the requirements in clinical microbiology and infection control for an accreditation process.
The programme is open to all those who are interested, however medical microbiologists, senior supervisors of laboratories, senior laboratory medical technologists, all those associated with infection control activities HIC Infection control nurses, hospital administrators and other infection control practitioners will benefit from this two day course. Registrations for either of the two days or both days. The course fees are as follows:
A. Quality assurance in Microbiology 15th October : Rs 1000/- per delegate
b. Infection control and accreditation 16th October : Rs 1000/- per delegate
The payment may be made in the form of cash or a demand draft in the name of “ Clinical Microbiology course” payable at Hyderabad . Please send all demand drafts to the following address:
Dr. Ranganathan N Iyer
Consultant Clinical Microbiologist
Global Hospital, Lakdi- ka- pul
Hyderabad- 500004
The course fees will cover two coffees/ teas , lunches on the day/ s along with the documentation for the particular session paid for. It does not cover travel and / or accommodation. All delegates are advised to make their own arrangements for their travel and stay in Hyderabad.

Dr. Ranganathan N Iyer MD FRCPath ( UK) DNB DPB MAMS
Consultant Clinical Microbiologist
Tel no ( work): 040 -30244505 Mob: 09849690680 E mail: