The meeting of the executive body of IAMM AP Chapter was held on 9-4-2011, in the chambers of the President of IAMM AP Chapter, Dr. G.Krishna Murty, Professor and Head of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. The proposed topics for discussion were circulated through email and website to the members and the suggestions from the members were also considered during the meeting.
The following points were discussed in the meeting :
Registration of IAMM AP Chapter in the coming months: As a registered body, the IAMM AP Chapter will have advantages like :
a. Negotiations with the government regarding the grievances of the medical microbiologists.
b. Raising the funds for the association : The issue will be followed up so that the donors shall be eligible for income tax exemption.
Designation of the Department as : Department of Clinical Microbiology : the issue will be represented to the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
Hospital infectious committee should be formed in every teaching hospital and Microbiology HOD should be the chairmen of the committee. The initiative is to be taken by all HOD s in the state.
Postgraduate Memberships : All the MD Postgraduates in Microbiology should be enrolled as Postgraduate Members of IAMM AP state chapter by paying Rs. 500 (For 3 years). All the HODs of Microbiology are requested to motivate the PGs in this regard. The details and the membership form can be downloaded from the website.
Risk Allowance : The executive body will correspond with the Govt. of AP regarding the risk allowance for the microbiologists.
XV Annual State Conference of IAMM AP Chapter : Next conference of IAMM AP chapter will be held at Kurnool Medical college under leadership of Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao, Professor and Head of the Department of Microbiology, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool. The dates are : 6th , 7th and 8th January 2012.
NEW prize for Postgraduates : A new prize for the PGs was proposed by the President IAMM AP Chapter. The prize amount will be derived from the annual interest generated from Rs . 50,000/- donated by the Department of Microbiology, Guntur Medical College. Two prizes will be given, as cash award. The detailed guidelines will be published on website and notified soon and will be informed (The details of the prizes and guidelines for the prizes can be accessed from the website).
We request all our members to read the above resolutions carefully and send their valuable suggestions to the secretary IAMM AP chapter by post preferably
(Mailing address :
Dr. O.Satyanarayana,
Department of Microbiology,
GGH Campus, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada).
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